Exam Results
Every year, our Sixth Form students, their families and staff celebrate their achievements together as a community, as they look forward to a rich variety of exciting futures beyond Lingfield. Seeing how their outstanding academic results and achievements during their time at the School opens doors to the next stages of their lives is one of the single most rewarding parts of our roles. We are incredibly proud of every one of them.
2022 A Level & BTEC Results
The class of 2022 have demonstrated their dedication and investment in their studies for two years and have been rewarded with an outstanding set of results, with a 100% pass rate. 88% of A Level students secured A*- B grades and 100% of BTEC students achieved D*- M (Distinction – Merit).
Some of those starting university have taken up places to study English at Bristol, Psychology at Sussex, History at University College London, Material Sciences at Manchester, Mathematics at Sheffield, Medicine at Leeds, Law at Liverpool, Digital Film Production at Ravensbourne, Philosophy at Southampton, Popular Music Performance & Music Business at BIMM, Media, Journalism & Culture at Cardiff, Politics & Geography at Exeter, Biomedical Sciences at Bath, Architecture at Lincoln and Business & Management at Reading.
Several students have opted to take a year out before starting university, and others will be taking up impressive degree apprenticeship placements or employment.
Watching them open their envelopes on Results Day and realising they have got their chosen university place is a very proud moment.
Mrs Alison Folkard, Head of Sixth Form