New Parent Information - Senior School
Welcome to Lingfield College!
Please find below our Senior School New Parent Information and New Pupil Forms for the academic year 2025-26.
Please read all the information carefully and email the Admissions team or call +44 (0) 1342 838153 should you have any questions.
This information and corresponding forms are key documents in the enrolment process. It is essential that you read the information and complete the forms by Friday, 17th May 2024.
Thank you and best wishes to all our new students!
Entry Information for 2024-25
Please download and read these carefully as they contain important information and guidance about the School, including transition/induction events, absence reporting and much more.
Student Induction Information
Information about the induction events we organise for both you and your child.
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Sixth Form
Induction event information and dates are available in the Sixth Form Entry Information Booklet.
- Pre-Season Sports Training Sessions - Please read for information on the dates of the pre-season training.
- Gum Shield letter - Please read for advice about gum shield fitting and purchase.
- SOCS Sport - Information about our partner app SOCS for fixture information and team sheets.
Digital Platforms
Essential Student Forms
We need some further information about your child as part of the induction process. Please complete the following forms by Friday, May 17th, 2024.
Student Information and contact details
Student Code of Conduct for School Day Trips and Other Off-Site Activities
Consent for School Day Trips and Other Off-Site Activities
Optional Student Forms
Please complete the following forms by Friday, 17th May 2024.
LAMDA Speech and Drama Lessons
Alumni Signup (Old Lingfieldians)
Finance Information
Fee accounts are payable by Direct Debit. You can choose from one of the following options:
- Termly payments, taken on or just after the first day of each term.
- 3 x equal instalments split over the term.
- Premium Credit - this is arranged directly with Premium Credit, not through our Finance Department.
If you have any questions regarding finance, please email the Head of Finance and Resources.
Policies & Codes of Conduct
The School's full policies and procedures are available to view here.
Please read the Student Rules and Code of Conduct, Student Privacy Notice and Parent Privacy Notice.
Uniform, Books & Equipment
School uniform is worn by Years 7 - 11 according to the School Uniform Code.
Sixth Formers do not wear the uniform but abide by a smart business wear dress code.
Please visit our uniform pages for dress codes, uniform lists and purchasing details for all year groups.
Our Uniform & Sports Wear supplier is Monkhouse, available at:
Monkhouse, 64 Calverley Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TNI 2UG
Phone: 01892 481956 | Email:
Required Study Books
Science - For September 2024, all students are required to purchase a copy of the following book for studying Science at Lingfield College. This book can be ordered from Amazon (or other Internet shopping sites) or from good bookshops such as Waterstones. The ISBN number, an image of the book and the estimated price have been included to help you find the specific titles required. The Science textbooks used at Lingfield College are published by Oxford.
Year 7 Science Book |
Year 8 Science Book |
If you have any further questions, please email the Head of Science.