Policies & Safeguarding
Lingfield College Terms and Conditions
Whole-School Policies
- Admissions
- Anti-bullying & Cyberbullying
- Attendance & Registers
- Complaints
- Data Protection
- Disability
- Educational Vision Statement
- Educational Visits
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Exclusion
- First Aid
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- Health & Safety
- Holiday Club
- Inclusion & SEND
- Privacy Notice - Student & Alumni
- Privacy Notice - Staff
- Privacy Notice - Parents
- Privacy Notice - Job Applicants
- Probation Policy & Procedure
- Pupil Welfare Risk Assessment
- Recruitment of Ex-Offenders
- Risk Assessment
- Safeguarding & Child Protection
- School Closure (Adverse Weather)
- Safer Staff Recruitment
- Staff Code of Conduct
- Terms & Conditions
- Use of Digital Images
- Wellbeing Dog
- Whistleblowing
- Young Carers
Senior School Policies
Prep School Policies
- After School Club & Breakfast Club
- Attendance
- Behaviour Management
- Curriculum
- Early Year Funding Entitlement
- E-Safety
- Failure to Collect
- Foundation Stage (Prep School)
- Homework
- Inclusion & Special Education Needs
- Medical Conditions
- Missing Child
- School Closure (Adverse weather) (Nursery)
- Use of Cameras & Mobile Phones (EYFS)
Exams Policies & Information for Candidates
- Exams Policy
- Information for Candidates - Preparing to sit your exams
- Information for Candidates - Coursework Assessments
- Information for Candidates - Non-Examination Assessments
- Information for Candidates - Written Examinations
- Information for Candidates - Social Media & Examinations/Assessments
- Information for Candidates - Using Calculators
Safeguarding & Other
Safeguarding Statement
The Governors and staff of Lingfield College are fully committed to safeguarding all the children who belong to the school community. The school recognises its legal and moral duty to promote the well-being of children, protect them from harm, and respond to child abuse.
Parents and carers expect the school to provide a safe, secure and caring environment in which their children can flourish. To meet this expectation, the school implements a wide range of measures and policies, including the school’s Safeguarding & Child Protection policy and Health & Safety policy. Details of these policies, and others, can be found in the Policies section of the website above.
The Safeguarding Team
- Designated Safeguarding Leader in the Senior School - Mrs Emma Parsons - Deputy Head (Pastoral)
- Deputy DSL in the Senior School - Mrs Sue Sevier - Senco / Mrs Alison Folkard - Head of Sixth Form / Mrs Sharon Walton - Sixth Form Welfare / Miss Hannah Redfern - Pastoral Support Officer
- Designated Safeguarding Leader in the Prep School - Mrs Jacky Shackel - Head of Prep School
- Deputy DSL in the Prep School - Mrs Christina Hubbard - Director of Studies / Tiffany Vickery - Head of Nursery / Mrs Helen Roe - Prep School Teacher
Further Advice for Parents and Pupils
- A Young Persons Guide to Keeping Safe
- CEOP 'Report Abuse'
- Childline YouTube
- NSPCC Thinkuknow
- The Internet Watch Foundation
- THE NSPCC Online Safety Advice
- Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation
- Anti-Bullying
- Prevent Strategy - Information for Parents/Carers
- Safer Internet
- Childnet
- Cyberbullying
- Advice about Sexting
- Essential Support for Under 25s
- Childline