Prep Curriculum

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Prep Curriculum

Our Prep School's stimulating and dynamic classroom environment is designed to inspire and excite our pupils, prepare them for the next stage of their educational journey, and foster a love of learning. 

Children enjoy a rich and varied curriculum in bright, spacious, modern classrooms. Learning is best when it is fun, and our specialist teachers bring the curriculum to life with a diverse range of engaging and purposeful topics and resources. 

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Our Learning Approach

Our Prep School Motto reflects our commitment to instilling a growth mindset approach to learning; to challenge each pupil to be the best that they can be. 

I can, I know I can.

We believe every child can succeed, achieve and find their place in the world. By encouraging a growth mindset approach to learning we aim to cultivate motivated learners who aim high, embrace challenges, learn from their mistakes and develop the skills and attributes needed to become lifelong learners. 

We teach this through our Educational Vision. This approach is supported by small class sizes, allowing for an individual approach with a focus on ensuring each pupil is stretched and challenged to reach their potential. Our teachers are dedicated to building relationships with every pupil, working together to develop strengths or improve areas of difficulty. 

Lingfield Prep school student

Enriching the Curriculum

As well the core subjects of Maths, English, Science and PSHE, class teachers bring the curriculum to life with a range of engaging and purposeful topics, themed activities and projects. Supported by teaching assistants from Nursery to Year 6, these cross-curricular topics help pupils to discover and appreciate the connection between subjects, giving them a real opportunity to gain a greater depth of knowledge and to inspire their interest in the world around them.

Lingfield Prep school student learning British sign language


We recognise that children thrive academically when experiences and challenges outside it balance work in the classroom. Themed subject activities, outings to local places of interest and educational visits are part of everyday life at Lingfield Prep. Our rich and varied co-curricular programme offers even more opportunities for the children to discover talents, develop skills and have fun. 

The achievement and academic progress in the junior school is excellent across all areas of learning and at all ages

ISI 2017

Specialist Teaching 

The pupils' horizons are broadened further by specialist teachers for Modern Foreign Languages, Music, Drama and PE. To further enhance their learning, they have access to facilities including: 

  • Computer suites
  • Drama studio
  • Music rooms
  • Art classroom
  • Large Sports Hall
  • Outdoor pitches and courts
  • Science lab
  • Forest School 

As an all-through school, pupils in Prep benefit from the extensive facilities, resources and teachers in the Senior School too, from well-maintained sports grounds facilitating hockey, football, cricket and tennis to engaging with our Senior School Scholars and visiting the staff and students. 

Nurturing Well-Rounded Individuals

We believe that academic learning and cultivating character go hand in hand. Every moment at school, whether in the classroom, at lunch, in the playground, playing sport or taking part in clubs provides an opportunity for broadening knowledge, learning new skills and understanding the world.

We have embedded this belief through encouraging the 12 learning attributes in our Educational Vision to develop active, independent learning behaviours and promote positive engagement in life both inside and outside the classroom. The School community is built upon our commitment to developing active, independent learning habits and promoting positive engagement in life in and outside the classroom. This ethos weaves through our lesson planning, PSHE, award ceremonies and co-curricular programme. 

Key Stage 1 

Throughout Key Stage 1, learning is focused on the core curriculum areas of Literacy, Numeracy, Scientific and Digital skills, alongside introducing our Educational Vision to the children. All areas of the Creative Arts are encouraged, including art, music and performance, ensuring every child finds a route to expression and confidence. 

A smooth transition to Key Stage 2 is ensured through:-

  • Parent coffee mornings
  • Transition evenings
  • Frequent correspondence with parents
  • Collaboration and communication between KS1 and KS2 teachers

Key Stage 2

Children are encouraged to take a more active role in their learning journey in Key Stage 2 in readiness for Senior School. Independent thinking and learning are nurtured and encouraged. Observation and investigation are developed, and children are taught critical thinking skills. Age and ability appropriate responsibilities are entrusted to all pupils, particularly those in Year 6, to build confidence and embed a sense of belonging and investment in their School. 

Monitoring & Assessment

Through regular monitoring and assessments, we can ensure that every child is given the opportunity to achieve their potential. With small class sizes, teaching assistants and a dedicated SENDco, we can accommodate teaching on a needs basis. Pupils are taught in sets for Maths in Years 3 and 4 and English from Year 5, with one-to-one learning support available. 

For more able pupils, we offer differentiated learning through extension activities within the classroom and ensure teaching is tailored to individuals. There is always an opportunity for a challenge in every lesson. Outside the classroom, there are a wide variety of academic enrichment clubs available to pupils. Our Scholarship programme ensures that we meet the needs of high-achieving pupils, stretching them in every area of the curriculum and, where appropriate, enlisting their support with lessons and events to support and encourage their peers. 

Parents are kept informed of progress through:- 

Parent Consultation Evenings:- Held in the Autumn and Spring terms, parents can speak with class and set teachers and subject specialist practitioners. 

Reports:- Every term, parents in Years 1 to 6 will have access to progress reports via ISAMS. Foundation Stage pupils have mini-reports reflecting their progress towards targets and feedback on individual plans, as well as an Under 3s Progress Check Report.