When you're a busy, growing pupil, food is an incredibly important part of the day. One of the most frequently asked questions at our Open Days is 'What is the food like?'.
Our caterers Holroyd Howe work exclusively with independent schools to offer a fresh and sustainable food service that's uniquely tailored to meet the needs of the School. They provide breakfast, lunch and breaktime snacks for pupils and staff. To find out more about catering at Lingfield, read our interview with Catering Manager Becky and Head Chef, Emlyn.
Breakfast is served daily from 7.45 am to 8.30 am in both Prep and Senior dining areas.
W/C 24th March 2025
Try something different
Students are encouraged to try different foods, such as European Languages Week when Spanish, Greek and Italian tasting tables complement the main menu. At Prep School pupils find out about fruits and vegetables from around the world as part of culture day.

Sixth Form
Our Sixth Formers enjoy their own dining room, as well as the Atrium Café in the Sixth Form Centre which serves hot drinks, pastries and snacks.
A sustainable diet ensures that what we have now is available for future generations using the Earth's resources responsibly while supporting us to eat more healthily.
Future Proof Food is about bringing together nutrition and sustainability, whilst reducing food waste and using local and seasonal produce.
The aims of Future Proof Foods are:
- To be inclusive to everyone
- To have no compromise on taste
- To reduce the impact on the environment
- To encourage healthier options
- To increase awareness through education on why a sustainable diet through Future Proof Food is needed.
When you see the apple image on our menus it means the dish is more sustainable.
Lingfield College Unveils New Dining Hall
A Modern, Welcoming Space for the School Community
Meet our Catering Team
Meet Becky, Lingfield's new Catering Manager and Head Chef, Emlyn from Holroyd Howe. Along with their catering team they are responsible for feeding over 900 students and staff every day. We spoke to them to find out more about the day-to-day challenges of catering, allergens and sustainability.