In lively, engaging lessons all three disciplines of Physics, Chemistry and Biology are taught under the umbrella of Science. Children begin to understand how scientific principles can be applied to predict how things will behave and to analyse causes.
Investigation based Curriculum
The curriculum allows for experiments, demonstrations, and projects in our newly fitted STEM Room, Pond, Orchard and Forest School. Children learn how major scientific theories contribute to technological change, impact industry, business, and medicine, and improve quality of life on a global scale.
How we investigate in KS1
Pupils work in groups to identify and classify objects they find in different habitats such as the Pond, Forest School, Orchard or Wild Flower Bank. This involves identifying and photographing objects.
They explore these different habitats to make detailed observations of the flora and fauna they find and are challenged to record the number of each species using a tally chart. Pond dipping provides a great opportunity to identify and classify.

Pupils study the skeleton and find the correct labels for each part, they are then challenged to build their own skeletons.
Pupils use online games to understand the five senses identifying which part of the body is associated with each sense.
How we investigate in KS2
Science lessons for Years 3, 4, 5, and 6 are predominantly taught in our purpose-built STEM room, which was refurbished in 2024.

Our outdoor spaces (the Pond of Perseverance, Forest School, Orchard and Wild Flower Bank) provide an excellent opportunity for children to monitor changes in habitat and observe living things over a sustained period of time. As part of the unit Our Changing World, all year groups visit forest school and the pond throughout the year.

Curriculum Enhancement
A highlight of the school science calendar is a visit from Sublime Science who provide workshops for all year groups. Pupils explore the exciting world of science from learning about electricity to getting hands-on experience making slime and sherbet.
Sublime Science at Lingfield Prep
Pupils celebrate British Science Week making gooey slime and edible sherbet!
Trips and workshops
Year 1 visit Forest School, trips to the British Wildlife Centre and Wakehurst Place, wildflower workshop.
Year 2 visit Bronte’s garden, make rafts and test them in the school pond, make healthy sandwiches, living eggs, plant a vegetable garden in Y2 gardens.
Year 3 visit the Orchard to identify and classify leaves, visit Wakehurst Place, build a worm farm.
Year 4 experiment with sound using handmade gongs and make musical pipes to explore pitch. Visit to Herstmonceux's Science Museum.
Year 5 NASA mission including anti-gravity simulator, Russian lesson and space grid projector.
Year 6 Fairground ride building in STEM week, visit from Christoph Wagner from NASA, 3D eye on iPad.
Eco Warriors Club
Everyone wants to join our Eco Warriors Club! It's a hive of activity all year round, where passionate staff and pupils team up to tackle projects such as monitoring our bird cameras and feeders, harvesting our apples to make our own Lingfield Prep apple juice or looking at how we make our school more sustainable. You can find out more on our Eco Warriors page.