Eco Council sign up to environmental initiative iDoT

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Eco Council have signed up to an environmental initiative called 'iDoT', which stands for 'I do one thing' and is a simple approach to encourage children and families to do one small action each day to help the environment. There are lots of suggestions and examples on the WAF website of the sort of small actions you can do in order to achieve IDoTs. There are also examples of things you can build and make on our Eco Council tab on Firefly as well as more information on iDoT under Lockdown 2. Take a photo of your action and send it in to us so that we can share it in the school community. Remember, one action by one person may seem small and insignificant, but if each pupil in the school did just one small thing it could collectively make a VERY BIG DIFFERENCE.
Bertie in Year 2 has made a small wildlife pond in his garden following the instructions we have on our Eco Council page to earn his iDot and make a big difference to the wildlife in his garden. He had to enlist a little help from Dad and his brother. Together they have created a perfect pond environment for the smaller visitors to his garden.
Lucie, also in Year 2, has been doing lots of small things which add up to make a big difference to all of us and the planet: saving water, electricity and recycling waste.
Well done to Bertie and Lucie!
For ideas take a look at the Eco Council Page on Firefly or the iDoT website.