Transition to Sixth Form

Sixth Form is an exciting and formative time for students however the step-up from Key Stage 4 to Key stage 5 is often challenging. At Lingfield, we provide a transition programme so that students feel supported on this journey both academically and socially. 

As an all-through school, current students will already be familiar with the Sixth Form, as the college shares the site with the Senior School. They will know many of the Sixth Form students as they will see them around the school, especially our student ambassadors, mentors and Head Student team, all of whom are friendly and approachable. They will also benefit from knowing some teachers, so have formed relationships with them, making the academic transition much smoother. 

Preparation for Sixth Form life begins early in Year 11.  The Sixth Form Open Evening in October provides the opportunity for Year 11 students and their parents to talk to staff and subject captains and to become familiar with the new environment. Prospective students from other schools are warmly encouraged to attend. 

Following this, our Year 11 students have the chance to talk informally with current Sixth Formers about the A Levels and BTEC subjects that they are studying; the step-up from GCSEs, lesson structure, homework and much more. 

The Sixth Form Taster morning offers students the opportunity to spend a morning sampling the A Level subjects that they are considering. Following this, current students are invited to meet with the Head of Sixth Form and their Head of Year to discuss their choices in depth and ensure that they are applying for suitable subjects. These supportive individual sessions have proved extremely popular with students and maximise their future success. 

I really felt like I was supported during the transition process. I left feeling really confident in my decisions.

What will be different in Sixth Form 
  • Greater independence - Students will blend lesson time with more independent study and time to develop personal interests. We offer timetabled independent study periods so that students make the best use of their time. Collaborative working is also encouraged during coffee periods or lunch breaks. 
  • Dedicated space - The Sixth Form has a separate exclusive area of the school with contemporary social spaces, a café, dining room, quiet study areas and a university-style lecture theatre. 
  • Fewer subjects and smaller classes - Classes reduce in size in Sixth Form, with an average of 8 - 10 students per class. Teachers can dedicate much more time to individual students. 
  • Closer working relationship with teachers 
  • No more uniform - our red blazers are a thing of the past! Instead, we ask our students to wear smart business dress in preparation for university and employment. 
  • Expert advice and support - Our careers advice and UCAS support is available during their two years in Sixth Form. This early introduction to university and employment progression routes helps students plan for their future better. Other Sixth Form staff are located within the building, and we operate an open-door policy should students need additional support or guidance. 
  • Leadership opportunities - There is a broad range of prefect opportunities including being part of the Head Student Team. 

Further details about Sixth Form life, curriculum, enrichment and more can be found in the Sixth Form section of the site.