Case studies 2024

Here are just some of our year 13 students reflecting on their A Level success at Lingfield College. 



"I joined Lingfield in year 12; it was such a refreshing and relaxed environment. The teachers are incredibly supportive and approachable, I felt comfortable talking to them about everything.

I am delighted to be furthering my studies at my first-choice university, Durham. "

Results: A*, A*, A* - English Lit, Spanish, History
The future: English Lit at Durham University


"Being smart can only get you so far; you do need to put in the hard work at A Level, but at Lingfield, there really are no limitations to what you can achieve.

I chose Art at A Level as I feel this is an important part of Engineering. My future ambition is to become an Aerodynamicist in Formula One."

Results: A*, A, B - Art, Maths, Physics
The Future: Aerospace Engineering with Aero Dynamics at Southampton University



"I've been at Lingfield since nursery and have always felt so comfortable here. In sixth form, the small class sizes mean I have the confidence to ask anything at any time.

The teachers get to know you really well and always want the absolute best for you."

Results: A*, A, A - Business, Maths, Biology
The Future: Gap Year then Biology at Leeds University



"Being Lingfield Head Boy has really increased my confidence. Combining it with my studies and sporting fixtures has sometimes been challenging but hugely rewarding for me.

I'm really happy that I got my first-choice university, Imperial. "

Results: A*, A, A - Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry
The Future: Materials Science & Engineering at Imperial College, London



The teachers have been amazing, especially Miss Brack, and I can’t believe I got an A*!  I also passed my grade 8 flute and singing exams this past year.

I have so enjoyed taking part in School concerts. They are a great opportunity to build confidence in performing. I would advise anyone choosing A Levels to pick a subject they’re passionate about. 

Results: A*, B, B - Music, English Lang, Business
The Future: English Lang & Linguistics at Birmingham University



"The Maths department have been very supportive providing extra lessons to ensure we got the grades we needed. 

In the future I would like to pursue a career in Rocketry." 

Results: A*, A*, A*, A - Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Computer Science
The Future: Degree Apprenticeship 




"I'm delighted with my results. My teachers have been really supportive in giving me the freedom to design sets for school productions, which has been exciting.

I’m most proud of the set design I created for last year's Shakespeare in Love production."

Results: A*, C, Distinction* - Photography, Business, Media BTEC

The Future: Set Design at Nottingham Trent