Policies & Safeguarding


Lingfield College Terms and Conditions


Safeguarding & Other


Safeguarding Statement

The Governors and staff of Lingfield College are fully committed to safeguarding all the children who belong to the school community. The school recognises its legal and moral duty to promote the well-being of children, protect them from harm, and respond to child abuse.

Parents and carers expect the school to provide a safe, secure and caring environment in which their children can flourish. To meet this expectation, the school implements a wide range of measures and policies, including the school’s Safeguarding & Child Protection policy and Health & Safety policy. Details of these policies, and others, can be found in the Policies section of the website above. 

The Safeguarding Team 
  • Designated Safeguarding Leader in the Senior School - Mrs Emma Parsons - Deputy Head (Pastoral)
  • Deputy DSL in the Senior School - Mrs Sue Sevier - Senco / Mrs Alison Folkard - Head of Sixth Form / Mrs Sharon Walton - Sixth Form Welfare / Miss Hannah Refern - Pastoral Support Officer
  • Designated Safeguarding Leader in the Prep School - Mrs Jacky Shackel - Head of Prep School
  • Deputy DSL in the Prep School - Mrs Christina Hubbard - Director of Studies / Tiffany Vickery - Head of Nursery / Karen Ovington - Nursery Room Leader / Mrs Helen Roe - Prep School Teacher


Further Advice for Parents and Pupils