Life in the Sixth Form

Life at Lingfield Sixth Form is vibrant, lively and fulfilling. With more independence for learning and control of their time, students balance their chosen academic studies with the exploration of personal interests, development of life skills and immersing themselves in enriching experiences.

Teaching in the Sixth Form is about encouraging independence in learning. Class sizes are smaller and teachers build much closer working relationships with students, exchanging ideas, imparting knowledge and drawing the very best out of every student. 

While our Senior School students form the main body in our Sixth Form cohort at Lingfield each year, they are always joined by students from other local schools. This makes for a diverse, friendly and welcoming community where new friendships are formed, and old ones are strengthened.

There really is no typical student at Lingfield Sixth Form.  Everyone is supported to achieve their individual potential, with a well-rounded education and grounding ready for their next steps after school life. 

The Sixth Form Centre

Sixth Formers have their own dedicated Sixth Form building where they have access to computers, higher education materials, quiet study spaces and facilities for refreshment and relaxation.  As the Sixth Form is part of our all-through school, the students in Years 12 and 13 benefit from using the facilities around the main site such as the Performing Arts building and studios, gym and sporting facilities.

  • Contemporary common room area with flat-screen TV's, table football and options for seating
  • 150-seat lecture theatre
  • Comfortable and quiet study room
  • Atrium Café
  • Comprehensive careers library
  • Sixth Form Dining Room
  • Easy access to Sixth Form staff with teams based in the Centre

Sixth Form Atrium Café at Lingfield College

The Atrium

Lingfield College Sixth form Common Room

The Sixth Form Common Room

Developing Independence

Sixth Form students enjoy numerous privileges and greater independence. They have a dedicated Sixth Form Centre complete with lecture theatre, study spaces and contemporary common room area. They no longer wear the Lingfield College uniform, but smart business wear. 

Student Leadership Opportunities

We encourage our students to take positions of responsibility within the School. We value the contribution they make as Mental Health Ambassadors, Peer Mentors, Subject Captains or as part of the Head Student Team.  All students are encouraged to be active in the School community and this can take the form of assisting with clubs, participating in productions, or being a member of an orchestra, choir or a sports team.

Enrichment Week

At the end of Year 12 we run an Enrichment Week, focusing on practical life skills. Students participate in a range of activities, including Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), self-defence, media techniques, team building exercises, car maintenance, First Aid, cookery and more. They also use this time to support the community, perhaps hosting a tea party in a residential home or creating floral arrangements for a local hospice. 

Volunteering and Service


Volunteering is an important part of being a well-rounded student in the Sixth Form. It is both extremely rewarding for students and hugely beneficial for the individuals, organisations and communities they support. 

  • Community Service: There are opportunities for our Sixth Form students to support local charities and primary schools, making a positive contribution to society. Our students provide support in local classrooms, raise donations for Food Banks and coach local sports teams.
  • Prep School: Our Prep School links team visits the Prep School each week to help younger students in lessons, sport and music. 
  • Overseas Trips: Year 12 students have the opportunity to support overseas charity projects in countries such as Ghana, Kenya and Sri Lanka. Past projects have included building classrooms, teaching English and Maths and helping with grassroots services. 

Peer Mentoring Scheme 

Sixth Formers can undertake training to become a peer mentor to support a younger student and act as a role model. They provide regular support, allowing the younger students to open up and chat about day-to-day issues which may be worrying them, approaching matters sensitively and seriously. This interaction is positive and rewarding for both parties, boosting self-esteem and confidence in our younger students and developing communication skills and responsibility in our mentors. Peer mentoring can strengthen university and job applications.

Academic Mentoring

Our Sixth Form students often provide after-school study support to younger students in specific subjects. This might be with the goal of boosting performance, exploring a specific topic covered in class, advising on revision or exam techniques or challenging their learning to achieve a higher level. This is invariably a rewarding and enriching experience for all involved.

Charity Fundraising

Everyone supports the School's charities through the House system. In addition, Sixth Form students are actively encouraged to find new and novel ways to fundraise and raise awareness for important causes throughout their time with us. For example, our Charity Captains may introduce campaigns such as collections for the Hygiene bank. 

During Mental Health Awareness Week students participate in a range of activities focused on positive wellbeing. They fundraise through a variety of events such as a sunrise walk or sponsored colour run. 

Lectures & Talks 

Sixth Form Specials 

'Specials' is the Lingfield College Sixth Form lecture programme. This is a series of thought-provoking talks and lectures delivered by teachers, industry specialists and alumni. They offer students valuable insight into specific industry sectors, local and global issues and future opportunities or pathways.

The Sixth Form have enjoyed contributions from wide range of speakers including; 

  • Lawrence Hewitt and Yazmin Sandhu on cybersecurity at the Bank of America and the global financial infrastructure
  • Melanie Ashley on BP and their supply and trading school leaver programme
  • Jordan Kemp on degree apprenticeship programmes
  • Dr Nicki Perry on medical school applications
  • Elizabeth Matthews on her experience of studying Aeronautical Engineering at university and her subsequent placement at Rolls Royce