Extension Opportunities

Both in and out of the classroom we offer a varied and exciting programme of enrichment and extension activities that support our most able and talented students to achieve their individual goals and fulfil their academic potential. From academic clubs and societies to national competitions, we offer plenty of opportunities for students to enhance their knowledge, extend their talents and complement their GCSE and A Level subjects. 

In the Classroom 

Within the classroom, students' learning is extended through differentiated lesson pathways, which allow for a more personalised approach for those who would benefit from an academic stretch. Extended reading activities, additional projects and targeted feedback supports these students to excel. 

Outside the classroom, students are encouraged to take up leadership roles and mentoring opportunities both of which boost confidence, self-esteem and motivation levels. 

Our most able students are encouraged to participate in the following academic enrichment activities. 

Academic Enrichment Clubs

Within our co-curricular programme there are a number of academic enrichment clubs available to students including; 

  • Medical Club
  • Additional Maths Club
  • Astrology Club 
  • Politics Club
  • STEP Club
  • Public Speaking Club
  • Model United Nations
  • Japanese Club 
  • Advanced Drama Tech Club

LAMDA Speech & Drama Examinations

LAMDA qualifications are recognised globally and earn UCAS points to help with university entry.

LAMDA offer exams in speech and drama, designed to help develop communication, language and literacy skills. These provide a platform for children to gain confidence, work as a team, hold a conversation and participate more fully in society.

When preparing for and taking a LAMDA Performance Examination the student will learn how to prepare and plan which is an invaluable skill for life. The student will find his/her own flexibility in changing to suit their environment be it physically or vocally. They will gain responsibility, resilience and reflecting skills. They will be able to articulate their own thoughts which will connect to and support their performance in all subjects. Their confidence and competence will grow along with a real sense of achievement.

Competitions & Enterprise Challenges

Students regularly compete in national competitions. By challenging themselves in this way, they gain confidence in themselves and embed the subject-specific skills and knowledge. 

  • Chemistry & Physics Olympiad
  • IEA Budget Challenge
  • UK Maths Challenge
  • Discursive Writing Competitions
  • CREST Awards 
  • Carnegie Awards Shadow Readers


Expeditions encourage students to observe, challenge, explore and be curious. 

Scholarship Programme

Our Scholarship programme recognises talent and potential in Art, Academics, Drama, Music and Sport. Scholarships are available to pupils in Year 7, Year 9 and Year 12 and benefit from not only a proportionate discount off fees but also various programmes to stretch and challenge them further and support their time here at Lingfield College.

A successful scholar will be a top-class student in their chosen field of expertise, embrace opportunities presented to them and be a good role model during their time at Lingfield.