Results & Destinations

An education at Lingfield College perfectly balances life skill development, creative expression and academic excellence. Every year, our outstanding results and diverse post-18 pathways reflect our ethos of supporting every student to achieve and fulfil their potential, whether they have their sights set on a top university, further studies or a career. 


  • 81% of grades were A*-B (A-Level) and D*-M (BTEC)
  • 44% of grades were A*-A 
  • Almost 80% of all BTEC grades achieved the top marks of Distinction* or Distinction
  • 92% of students heading to university successfully secured their first-choice destination
  • 100% Pass rate across all A Levels
  • Ten students achieved AAA or better
  • Particularly strong performances in Physics, English Literature and Mathematics.
  • In BTEC PE, every student achieved Distinction* or Distinction grades – the top two grades possible and equivalent to A*/A at A Level


  • 97% Pass rate across all GCSEs
  • 45% of grades awarded were 7,8 or 9 (equivalent to A*/A)
  • Particularly strong performances in STEM subjects, History and Religious Studies.


University Destinations For 2024

Most of our students will go on to study at a top university or an institution that is the best for their subject specialism. We actively encourage our A Level students to broaden their horizons and seek to study abroad in Europe and the USA. We also provide comprehensive support and information on various alternative options, such as degree apprenticeships. 

University Course
Birmingham English Language & Linguistics
Bristol Economics (with study abroad)
Bournemouth Marketing Communications with Digital Media
Durham English Literature
Edinburgh Psychology
Essex Multimedia Journalism
Exeter Psychology
Business & Management (2) 
Greenwich Accounting & Finance 
Imperial  Materials Sciences & Engineering 
Leeds International History & Politics
Diagnostic Radiography
Biotechnology with Enterprise 
International Relations & Politics 
International Business & Finance
Fashion Marketing 
Leeds Beckett

Film Making 

Music Performance & Production 

Liverpool Marketing 
Loughborough Sports Science & Mathematics
Business Management & Economics
International Business Management 
Manchester MET Management (Marketing) 
Nottingham History
Law (2) 
Aerospace Engineering  
Nottingham Trent Set Design
Fashion Marketing & Branding  
Criminal Justice
Oxford Brookes Business Management (with a placement) 
Portsmouth Global Sports Management
Sports Management
Ravensbourne Digital Television Production
Reading  Computer Science 
Accounting & Finance 
Sports Science & Mathematics
Business & Enterprise
Royal Holloway  Law
Business (with a placement)
Sheffield  Theoretical Physics 
Southampton  Aeronautic Engineering 
Physics with Mathematics
Physics with Quantum Science & Technology
Politics & Economics 
Global Law
Computer Science 
Surrey  Sport and Exercise Science  
Biomedical Science with German
Sussex Media and Communications
UEA Psychology with Criminology