Tagged  senior 

New Kiln Brings Ceramics to the Curriculum, Expanding Creative Opportunities

New Kiln Brings Ceramics to the Curriculum, Expanding Creative Opportunities

We’re thrilled to introduce our brand-new kiln, which will integrate ceramics into our curriculum and open up exciting creative possibilities for our students alongside other 3D art forms.

Lingfield Head of Art, Mrs Lewis, welcomed the new kiln:

"This is really going to boost our provision for 3D in the department so that as well as resin and plaster and wire sculpture and maquettes, we'll also be able to offer ceramics as part of our course to students. This is going to be taught across all three key stages. So our year 8s will be completing a project soon, looking at the work of Henry Moore and creating some sculptures inspired by him.

We're already using ceramics with our Key Stage 4 GCSE students. They have completed a project on hybrid natural forms, and you can see some of their fantastic results in our video.

We're hoping that our GCSE and A Level students, in particular, will really take this on and produce some really exciting larger-scale sculpture.

In addition, we're hoping to offer ceramics workshops and possibly Saturday school to individuals, possibly even the prep school, and particularly our scholars.

We're really looking forward to seeing everything that our students produce in terms of their 3D work over the course of this academic year and beyond."

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We can’t wait to see the fantastic creations from this new resource. 

Tagged  senior 

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